Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Grand Old Mango Tree!

Perhaps, nothing conveys the sense of age or maturity as a fully grown tree. The picture shows a grand old mango tree which has been there for at least as long as I can remember. It is one of those native varieties (not any of the fancy ones that make the fruit famous all over the world) bearing small but quite tasty fruits every alternate year.
Once in a while when it really gets into the mood it bears so many fruits that it literally 'Carpets Bombs' you (in the words of my son!) if you happen to be standing underneath it. Unfortunately, the tree being so tall, you hardly get any of them in proper shape since most of them get broken, if not mashed, by the time they fall down.
The vine that you see climbing from its base (almost upto a third of its height) is a 'Black Pepper' plant.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Those are beautiful. You are right about the idea of an old tree. It bring memories.
